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About Us.

We bring heart and soul as well as talent to the table. We’re a genuinely people-centred business that welcomes the whole person to work each day. Internally, as well as being the right thing to do, it creates the best work and workplace, bringing loyalty, well-being, authenticity and teamwork as well as talent to our team. For our clients and partners, it means we’re a friendly, down-to-earth bunch and, because we value our relationships, we work hard at them, with integrity and commitment, doing what we say when we say.

We all believe in the impact of stories creatively told but creative is who we are as well as what we do. Every member of our team is creative. Our craft is a passion that we pursue outside as well as inside work, exploring and experimenting and bringing all of that to the day-job.

CGI Video Animation Workshop

Meet the team.

Chris – Managing Director / Photography

  • What do I do? Steer the ship and take the pics.
  • Out of Hours? Cycling and Dad stuff.
  • Weakness? Bread and chips, often together.
  • Are you an early bird or a night owl? Definitely a night owl. I have aspirations of becoming an early bird, but I’m not sure it’s for me.
  • Favourite artist/creative and why? Steve McCurry is the don. He captures two of my favourite things, portraits and travel, better than anyone else.
  • Why do you do what you do? I’ve been obsessed with photography since my late teens. To be able to do this for a living still blows my mind.
  • What does your dream day look like? Out on my bike by 8am, a good 4-5 hours of riding, home for a barbecue in the garden with the family. Finish the day with a good movie and ice cream.
  • What’s your favourite music/band etc.? Love pretty much all music, except jazz. Stone Roses, Portishead, Zero 7 & Laura Marling if I have to narrow it down.
  • What are you currently reading? Chasing the light, by Oliver Stone.
  • What is one thing you never get bored of? New places. I’m waiting for a reliable teleporter so I can cut out the actual travel part and just arrive at new places.
Commercial Portrait Of Christopher Davies Creative Director at Studio Magenta Cardiff
Commercial Portrait Of Marie Davies Studio Manager at Studio Magenta Cardiff

Marie – Studio Manager

  • What do I do? I manage communication with our lovely clients and ensure Team Magenta are well looked after.
  • Out of Hours? Long walks and live music.
  • Weakness? Missing aforementioned music gigs because of, well, life!
  • Are you an early bird or a night owl? Definitely early bird, I struggle to keep my eyes open after 8pm!
  • Favourite artist/creative And why? Van Gogh has long been a favourite artist, I love his expressive use of colour and texture in his paintings.
  • Why do you do what you do? My passions, and personality are largely focused around effective communication and making sure everyone is happy.
  • What does your dream day look like? It doesn’t matter what I’m doing as long as it starts with coffee.  Being surrounded with my favourite people and a warm, sunny day helps.
  • What’s your favourite music/band etc.? Too many to mention but The Stone Roses have been of continuous importance since my teens.
  • What are you currently reading? Letter to My Daughter by Maya Angelou – her ideas to living well and living a life with meaning
  • What is one thing you never get bored of? Waking up to a new day with my husband and daughter snuggled up beside me.

Luke – Creative Director

  • What do I do? I head up the creative teams.
  • Out of Hours? Balancing dad life and going to gigs.
  • Weakness? Pizza and IPA’s!
  • Favourite artist/creative And why? The Photographer Robert Frank. His book ‘The Americans’ was hugely influential for me in during Uni.
  • Are you an early bird or a night owl? Hmmmm…. Both? Depends if it’s a school night or not!
  • Why do you do what you do? I always gravitated towards creative subjects and ended up studying photography at University, I then moved into video but I’m always up for learning new skills and when I started to learn animation I realised I wanted my fingers in all of the pies.
  • What does your dream day look like?  Camping out in nature with my family.
  • What’s your favourite music/band etc.? Always struggle to answer this one but if I was pushed I’d have to say The Doors or Beach House.
  • What are you currently reading? Im currently half way through 2 different books – Herding Tigers and Otherlands.
  • What is one thing you never get bored of? Reciting Alan Partridge quotes.
Headshot of Magenta's Head of Motion Luke
Commercial Portrait Of Paul Schut CGI and Motion Artist at Studio Magenta Cardiff

Paul – Motion & CGI

  • What do I do? Makes things move in 3D.
  • Out of Hours? Attempting to grow plants on my tiny balcony and exploring my baking skills.
  • Weakness? Keeping the plants alive.
  • Are you an early bird or a night owl? Night owl all the way.
  • Favourite artist/creative and why?  Patrick Clair, the creative mind behind amazing looking title sequences such as Westworld, True Detective and American Gods.
  • Why do you do what you do?  It’s an addiction. You get to come up with the most crazy sounding ideas and then actually get to figure out a way to make those ideas come to life.
  • What’s your favourite thing to do on the weekends? Catch up with all of the latest movies in the cinema. I’ve been collecting all my cinema tickets since I moved to Cardiff – I’m currently up to 66 tickets!
  • What does your dream day look like?  A day without any software crashes.
  • What’s your favourite music/band etc.?  A Dutch band called BLØF.
  • What are you currently reading? The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck.
  • What is one thing you never get bored of? The Office (US).

Sapphire – Lead Designer

  • What do I do? I primarily illustrate as part of the animation team, but frequently create visual assets for photography and video projects.
  • Out of Hours? Dreaming up ambitious home improvements.
  • Weakness? DIY delusions of grandeur.
  • Favourite artist/creative and why? Kelly Anna is a strong favourite of mine for the bold and expressive female forms. She just radiates creative confidence.
  • Why do you do what you do? What I love about what I do is that my working day never lacks variety. I love it when you get a good project, and work doesn’t feel like work at all.
  • What does your dream day look like?  Camping somewhere remote perhaps, somewhere warm. Wine and food are an essential factor in this dream day, and it might end with an evening swim.
  • What’s your favourite music/band etc.? Mostly electronic music, some piano, maybe an all-girl dreamy guitar band, and I’m quite partial to some R&B.
  • What are you currently reading? I’ve just started reading ‘Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race’ By Reni Eddo-Lodge.
  • What is one thing you never get bored of? Discovering new places to eat.
Commercial Portrait Of Sapphire Stanton Illustrator and Designer at Studio Magenta Cardiff

Laura Price – Photography & Post-production

  • What do I do? Photography, post-production and a little design too!
  • Out of Hours? I play a lot of Pokémon, collect various things, watch films, and roller skate.
  • Weakness? Coke zero and pizza.
  • Are you an early bird or a night owl? A bit of both, I tend to get my energy in the evening and end up waking early.
  • Favourite artist/creative and why? I love so many, but probably either Junko Mizuno, I love her comic book style and dark fairytales. Or an artist called Chris Guest, his style is almost messy but so detailed, and his use of colour is just beautiful.
  • Why do you do what you do? I’ve always loved creating and making things, ever since I was small, it’s just who I am.
  • What does your dream day look like?  Chilling out with my little boy and partner, playing games, drawing and eating snacks.
  • What’s your favourite music/band etc.? My music taste is so varied it’s hard to pin down, but if I had to choose, maybe Incubus?
  • What are you currently reading?  I’m not much of a reader unfortunately, mainly children’s books with my son or I do enjoy a good “art of” book, perhaps something like Studio Ghibli – Howl’s moving castle.
  • What is one thing you never get bored of? Drawing, photo editing or playing Pokémon, I can sit and do any of those for hours.